Monday, November 25, 2013

Grade 2 Visit Reflection

Today our whole geo class went to the lower school computer lab to work on Google Earth with the kids of Ms. Hunter's grade 2 class. I had two 8 year olds in my group and their names were Seoyou and Floor. I got along with both of them really well and we worked together having fun traveling to different places around the globe. They found it very fascinating to be able to see buildings and mountains in 3D and especially that we were able to make a circle around the Eiffel Tower as if we were really there.
It was an amazing experience to have with the kids. Especially that they found Google Earth so fascinating. I got along especially well with Floor as she is also Dutch. We were able to speak Dutch to each other the entire time, yet also being considerate of Seoyou. We were not able to complete the whole tour, actually just get started with it, as we explored many landmarks and interesting countries they did not have as their special places to visit. Going into the activity I was really nervous to work with kids, since it's outside of my comfort zone, not having younger siblings myself. Yet, as I was able to joke around, make them laugh, and have loads of fun with them, it turned out not being so bad after all.
Once the activity was done and we went downstairs for snacks with them Floor shared some of her food with me and we were able to spend more time together. This experience was amazing, it was really fun playing around with a geography related app and would love to do it again, kids aren't so bad after all.